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    Planning to fit a space saving door inside a room behind an opening.

    Optimising Space and Waterproofing with THEdour Space-Saving Doors

    To create the most space-efficient door solution from THEdour, consider the following:

    To optimize space while ensuring the best waterproof protection with THEdour doors, follow these guidelines:

    If intend to install a space-saving waterproof door within a shower room which has a cut out opening area or is bounded by two side walls and you wish to overlap your door frame inside and over the opening to hide the frame from the outside viewing we can offer two options:

    • ROLdoûr We can customise to the exact measurements. Secure them by screwing or bonding them to the front walls, and apply silicone around the frame for superior waterproofing.

    • TAMdoûr Tambour Doors These doors traditionally sit inside an opening and offer various track options to suit your needs.
    All track options can be bonded or recessed onto the floor/tray and the roof or a level batton (not provided). The tambour door closes against a plastic L-shape trim, with magnetic tape to support waterproofing and maintain a side gap from the outside.

    • When ordering a ROLdoûr, provide the total height and width measurements of the outside edge of the frame.
    Ensure the door stop side of the frame extends no more than 15mm past your opening, while the cartridge side needs a minimum of 60mm past the opening to conceal the cartridge inside. The height measurement should define where you want the bottom track to start and where the top track should end. Note that the height cannot be altered after assembly.

    • The frame size for ROLdoûr includes:
    - Top track: 30mm H x 20mm D
    - Bottom track: 30mm H x 20mm D
    - Door Stop: 15mm W x 20mm D
    - Cartridge: 60mm W x 50mm D
    - Handle section: 50mm W

    To hide the frame inside you can these measurements to your door ordered working on your opening area - 

    60mm to your opening area height this will hide the top and bottom track 

    75mm to your opening area width, (60mm cartridge width and 15mm door stop width
    leaving the 50mm handle visible from the outside) 

    • Overlapping inside is a popular choice for trade customers because it requires no silicone maintenance at the bottom track joints, unlike a recessed door option.

    • TAMdoûr Tambour Doors, the track layout is crucial for smooth operation. Bond or recess the tracks onto or into the floor/tray and to the roof or a level batton. Ensure the bottom track is level as possible across the open and close area, and the top track rests on top of the door. Consider fixing the top track onto a batton once the door is in the bottom tracks.

    • You can fix the top track to the roof and we build a door from floor to ceiling but you may need to pack out the top track to sit perfectly on top of the space-saving door, you may struggle to slot in the door between the tracks so fitting in stages
    • Fix / bond the bottom track
    • Fix / bond and the section of top track for the opening inside.
    • slot the door into its opening position and then pack out the track to top of the door
    • Fix / bond the closed section of track
    • slide door into closed position then pack out the track to top of the door.

    • Remember to allow for a 2/3mm manufacturing height allowance, as we aim for precise measurements. Include the track in your measurements, not just the door, for example with the standard straight track & corners in your kit we reduce the door height by 8mm to accommodate 4mm for the bottom track and 4mm for the top track.

    • We do not add fixing holes or drainage holes to our doors to accommodate various project needs. You can add these as needed once you're satisfied with your door's positioning, especially for projects like shower doors, to prevent potential leakage issues.

    These space-saving doors for small bathrooms, such as in your campervan are the way forward!

    We are sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with our product or service. Please complete the form below to help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible.

    Golden Fleece Online Ltd / THEdoûr Bespoke Customer Complaints Form

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    Thank you for your feedback. 

    We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within 2 working days. This acknowledgment will confirm that we have received your complaint and provide an estimated timeline for resolving the issue. For more information see our complaints procedure available on our website.

    For further assistance, please contact us at:

    - Email: support@goldenfleece.online

    - Phone: +447488885106